C-Section Vs Natural Birth: Pros And Cons
Vaginal Birth vs Cesarean, Which One To Go For?
Babies can be delivered in one of two ways: a natural birth through the vagina or a surgical delivery by c-section.
While the vaginal birth is the conventional way for delivery and a mother’s body is naturally equipped to go through it without any medical intervention, the c-section is a kind of surgical procedure that doctors usually opt for in potentially high-risk pregnancies.
But with the increased number of elective c-sections now-a-days and women planning for surgical deliveries for no medical indication, it is quite important we talk about the pros and cons of each type of delivery and compare between the two, for educational and awareness purposes:
Natural Birth Pros:
- Brief hospital stay after delivery;
- Quick recovery from labor and birth;
- Shorter labor in subsequent pregnancies;
- Effective breastfeeding;
- Easy and fast mother-child bonding;
- Mothers delivering vaginally are less likely to experience postpartum hemorrhage, blood clots in the veins or internal organ damage;
- Babies born naturally are less likely to have respiratory problems which are quite common among preterm and c-section babies;
- Babies born naturally are less prone to develop persistent pulmonary hypertension that can hinder fresh oxygen from finding its way to the lungs;
- Babies born naturally are less prone to develop asthma and food allergies later in life.
Natural Birth Cons:
- Mothers delivering vaginally are more likely to develop emotional disorders due to their fear of childbirth;
- Unexpected complications during labor;
- Mothers delivering vaginally are at risk of perineum tearing during labor;
- Babies born naturally are more prone to oxygen deprivation due to cord compression or other problems;
- Babies born naturally are prone to experience injuries and bruises while passing through the birth canal;
- Mothers delivering vaginally are more likely to experience pelvic organ prolapse postpartum;
- Mothers delivering vaginally are at a higher risk of urinary incontinence after delivery.
C-Section Pros:
- Feeling more in control of labor and delivery;
- Mothers delivering by c-section are less prone to complications during labor;
- Decreased risk of pelvic floor injuries;
- Low risk of unforeseen complications during labor;
- Mothers delivering by c-section are less likely to experience urinary incontinence after delivery.
C-Section Cons:
- Surgical risks and complications from anesthesia;
- Long hospital stay after delivery;
- Slow recovery, with the great likelihood of occurrence of serious health complications, like postpartum hemorrhage, blood clots in the veins, incision infection, numbness or pain around the scar;
- Mothers delivering by c-section lose lots of blood compared to natural birth;
- Mothers delivering by c-section are more likely to experience slow bowel movements postpartum;
- C-section babies are more prone to respiratory problems and pulmonary hypertension;
- Breastfeeding is likely to be more difficult because of mothers’ pain and discomfort after delivery;
- Difficult and slow mother-child bonding.
Between the natural birth cons and the c-section risks, the choice is yours. Just make sure you’re fully informed before you take any step that can put your safety and your baby’s safety at risk!
Read More: Effects Of Epidural Anesthesia On Mothers And Newborns