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First 1000 Day Club - How to Take Care of Newborn Baby

Join the Club that Makes Parenting Awesome!

Did you know your baby's first 1000 days will shape the rest of their life? It can sound overwhelming. But that's why we created the My First 1000 Days Club, offering a range of personalized services powered by experts to support you along the way.

Second Trimester
My First 1000 Days club

Get curated content based on your selected preferences, with customised notifications, reminders and newsletters

Personalized nutrition tips
Personalised Nutrition Tips and Parenting Advice

Get curated content that match your little one’s growth stage.

Tailored Practical Tools
Tailored Practical Tools

Enjoy fun and interesting ways to get practical guidance and simple solutions, such as calculators, child names, and checklists, for you and your little one.

Feeding Guidance - Option
Feeding guidance

Learn about various feeding options and what each means for you and your baby

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Helpful tools
Pregnancy Weekly Calendar
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Pregnancy Calculator & Weekly Calendar

Find out what changes you can expect in your body, your emotions, your life and your little one.

Ovulation Calendar
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Ovulation Calendar & Calculator

Knowing when you are likely to ovulate can improve your chances of becoming pregnant.

Baby Naming
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Baby Names Finder Tool

If you are facing the challenge to choose the name that will contribute to the identity of your child, try out our baby's first names tool to gather ideas that could help.

Mom & baby
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Article Finder

Every decision you take right now is already shaping your baby’s future.


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Get full access to expert-backed nutrition support

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    My feed

    Curated content based on your preferences 

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    Feeding guidance

    Learn about various feeding options and what each means for you and your baby

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    Tailored Practical Tools

    Try our tailored practical tools to guide you through the parenting journey.

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    My First 1000 Days club

    Customised notifications, reminders and newsletters

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