Love Your Body Before, During And After Pregnancy!
Learning To Love Your Body Image
It’s quite important for every single woman of us to feel good about her body and have a positive view of herself rather than of what she looks like.
This positive view is thought to help coping with pregnancy discomforts and postpartum challenges and embracing all the emotional and physiological changes of both periods.
That said, we advise you to improve your body image and learn how to live with the changes you’ll experience during and after pregnancy.
Here are some simple ideas to try out and get the self-love flowing:
During Pregnancy:
- Understand what your body is doing in order to host, nourish and grow your developing baby. Understand as well the reason behind every change happening to your uterus, breasts, skin and bowel movement.
- Perform an average of 30 minutes a day of mild exercises to keep your body fit, strong and attractive.
- Indulge yourself in healthy funny ways, like shopping, makeover, massage and a walk outside, etc.
- Surround yourself with friends and relatives who support you and to whom you can talk about your feelings and bad thoughts during pregnancy.
After Delivery:
- Don’t be too rushed in transforming back to your pre-pregnancy shape; understand that your uterus needs some time to shrink and get back to its normal size.
- Remember that your body has gone through a lot of changes and discomforts and needs time to recover.
- Give yourself some time to relax and compensate for many nights of lost sleep.
- Wear loose and comfortable clothes. Don’t pressure yourself to dress fashionably.
- Perform the types of exercises that will help your body regain his shape.
- Focus on the positive aspects of your body, not on the aspects that have changed and may be upsetting you.
At the end of the day, your body curves are not all that you have and all that is important in your look. If you tried getting back on track with your fitness and just couldn’t, don’t be hard on yourself and remember that what your body has done for your baby is greater and more important than anything else!