Physical Exercises For Mothers-To-Be
The Best Types of Workouts For Pregnancy
Pregnancy is an ideal time to practice sports and do regular physical exercises, for these types of activity can stimulate fetus growth and boost mothers-to-be mood, reduce their risks of having gestational diabetes, strengthen their hearts and provide their bodies with the energy and health they need to cope with uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms, shorten labor time and facilitate delivery.
Nevertheless, we advise you to consult your doctor before starting any kind of physical activity, and ask his confirmation whether the regimen that you chose for your pregnancy is safe for you and the baby growing in your womb. Once he gives you the green light, try your best to constantly practice light to mild exercises for around 30 minutes a day, 3 to 4 days a week. And always remember that the objective behind these exercises is to keep you fit and prevent you from acquiring unnecessary additional kilograms.
If you want, you can start with the following activities that are generally recommended by physicians:
Water exercises are supposed to give pregnant women a bigger chance to move without putting much weight on their ligaments. Swimming comes on top of these exercises, followed by dancing moves, aerobics and water walking. If you do decide to practice swimming, try to avoid exposure to sun heat while doing so, as extra heat may put you at high risks. Sunset can be the best time for your workout.
Yoga classes can help pregnant women keep their bodies and ligaments flexible, help them strengthen their muscles, stimulate their blood circulation and give them the ability to relax, in a way that will positively impact their labor experiences and reduce their pains.
Walking could be a great start for mothers-to-be that are not accustomed to workouts, as it may be their way to train their heart muscles without putting strain on their knees and ankles. And the most important thing about this sport, is that it can be practiced anywhere and can be safe at any stage of a pregnancy.
Kegel exercises:
These types of exercises play a major role in strengthening pelvis muscles and prevent their relaxation under the fetus pressure on the womb. To perform these exercises, a pregnant woman shall contract her pelvic muscles as if she wants to prevent herself from peeing, and stay this way for around 5 seconds before relaxing again.
It is to be known that physical workouts are very important and necessary during pregnancy. But beware of putting too much strain on your body and do not hesitate to stop exercising and contact your physician if you show any of these symptoms: pain in the abdomen, vaginal bleeding, blurred vision, dizziness, vomiting, heart rate increase, ankle swelling and shortness of breath.
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