- Ask what clothes you need to take off for the scan. If it’s your first time, there’s no harm in asking.
- Ask for a cover-up to protect your modesty! You might want to avoid playsuits or jumpsuits on scan day as they’re a bit exposing.
- Ask what they look for in the 12-week scan if they haven’t already had this explained this to you.
- Ask if baby is developing normally.
- Ask if you are able to get a picture before they start scanning—hospitals often have different policies about printing scans to keep.
- Ask the sonographer if they can to record the audio of the heartbeat on a phone.
- Ask if the fetal heartbeat sounds normal.
- Ask about the accuracy of fetal heartbeat phone apps.
- Ask when your next scan is and what you can expect. Go to Your checklist of antenatal testing questions for more things to ask.
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