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Toddler tummy problems
Painful toddler tummy problems, including toddler diarrhea and toddler constipation, are horrible for parents and babies alike. Here’s a list of things to help keep your toddler’s upset stomach under control.
- Look out for frequent watery poop. This is a sign your toddler has diarrhea, so ask your healthcare provider (HCP) for advice.
- Wash hands often and practice good hygiene to stop it from spreading.
- Rehydrate your toddler after every bout of watery poop with 100-200ml of fluid.
- Avoid sugary drinks. Drinks with artificial sweeteners aren’t allowed in foods for children under three years old.
- Look out for dark, strong smelling pee, as this can be a sign of dehydration.
- Ask your pharmacist or HCP if rehydration drinks are advisable.
- Only give your toddler anti-diarrhea medicine as recommended by your HCP.
- Keep your toddler home from nursery while ill and up to 48 hours after their last bout of diarrhea.
- If your toddler doesn’t poop at least three time a week it could be a sign of constipation.
- Give your toddler more fluids, ideally water or diluted fruit juice.
- Make sure they’re getting plenty of fruit and veg in their diet.
- Make sure your little one stays active as this can help the bowels to keep moving.
- A gentle toddler tummy massage—moving hands clockwise—after a warm relaxing bath can help constipation to pass.
- Avoid over-the-counter medication for toddler constipation unless recommended by your HCP.
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