ما هي فوائد سيريلاك ولماذا يعتبر وجبة مذهلة لطفلك في عمر ١٢ شهراً؟
Why Choose Cerelac Wheat & Oat With Fruits Meal For Your 12-Month?
In addition to the yummy pieces of red and tropical fruits, CERELAC 12 months+ is full of nutrition and has a thicker texture, so your toddler can learn to self-feed. . Read on to know more about Cerelac Wheat and Oats with Fruits.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breast-feeding for the first 6 months. Consult your doctor for advice on when to introduce complementary foods to your baby. Breastfeeding should continue for as long as possible after introduction of complementary foods.
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