Infant seats are extremely important to keep your baby safe while travelling by car.
But these devices are not always easy to use and knowing the right way to install them at every stage, can be quite overwhelming.
Check the following list of mistakes that most parents do when it comes to car-seat installation and use, and learn how to avoid them:
- Using an old infant-safety seat, without knowing anything about its type, manufacturing date, kind of installation, or if it has any broken or damaged parts.
- Not using the appropriate car seat for the baby’s age, weight and height.
- Installing the safety seat in a wrong spot that may endanger the baby’s life, like the front passenger seat for example.
- Using the car seat as an alternative to the crib or the stroller inside or outside the house.
- Incorrectly installing the seat without referring to the manufacturer’s manual.
- Turning the baby forward-facing too early, even before he turns one or reaches the appropriate height and weight.
- Not following the manufacturer’s instructions about the harness straps use, thus putting the baby at greater risk of sliding.
- Reclining the infant seat at the wrong angle (less or greater than 45 degrees), which may put the baby at risk of sliding and having breathing difficulties,
- Positioning the harness clip that fixes the baby inside his seat at neck level.
- Using the adult seatbelts instead of infant harness straps and belts.
- Dressing the baby in heavy outerwear that can interfere with the tightness of the harness, while lightweight clothes and an extra blanket on top can be a much better option!
The safety of your baby is your responsibility. Make sure to avoid the above mentioned mistakes to keep your little munchkin out of harm’s way!
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