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Beware Of These Hazards Threatening Your Little Angel’s Safety!

Keep Your Child Safe From These Hazards!

2 mins to read Apr 1, 2021

Your baby grows and develops in no time. The motor skills your child will learn and master overnight between the sixth and twelfth month will blow your mind.


To avoid this period of your child’s life be impaired by domestic accidents stemming from both his exploratory curiosity and your underestimation of his capabilities, we advise you to beware of the hazards surrounding your baby. These dangers may have costly consequences:   


Falling down

Your baby’s modest motor skills in this phase may expose him to injuries and bruises as a result of falling down the stairs, window ledges and other furniture. 


Your little adventurer may take you by surprise and risk being exposed to burns, either by approaching the oven and domestic heating appliances or by touching hot utensils. 


Your baby is exposed to the risk of drowning in the bathtub, or the swimming pool in the backyard, and you should not leave him unsupervised, even for one minute. 


Your baby’s usual curiosity and his desire to discover things by tasting them may expose him to the risk of poisoning as a result of swallowing harmful materials or noxious drugs. 


Your baby may be subjected to all kind of choking and asphyxiation, whether by sleeping on a soft mattress that obstructs breathing, by not being able to swallow specific types of food,by swallowing small pieces or parts of old toys that may have fallen by mistake, or by having curtains or phone wires wraparound his little neck. 


That was a snapshot of the main and most common domestic hazards. Read them carefully and try to limit them as much as possible, making absolutely sure that your baby is under your constant supervision, since that’s the best hedge against accidents.


Read More: Avoid These Common Car Seat Mistakes!

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