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How To Prepare Your Child For A New Sibling?

Infant Development and Growth
Apr 1, 2021
3 mins

New Baby: Helping Your Older Child Adjust!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and continued breastfeeding for as long as possible. Growing up milks are formulated to meet nutrition needs of healthy young children older than 1 year and should not be fed to infants.

You’re definitely excited and happy to meet the new baby and add him to your small family. But your excitement and happiness cannot deny the stress you feel towards what is going to be your first child’s reaction when he knows about the brother or sister that will share with him the love and care of his parents.

As a matter of fact, a child’s reaction towards a new sibling varies from one age group to another. Throughout this article, we will try to give you a quick overview of what can be expected from toddlers between 1 and 3 years, in addition to effective tips that will help them get through the new changes…


Children between 1 and 2 years:

At this age, your child may not be able to understand the concept of new brotherhood. But if you talked to him about the “new baby” and showed your great excitement for his arrival, the excitement may be transmitted to him by sequence.

Try also to accustom your firstborn child to new terms such as brother, sister, newborn, baby… by just looking together at babies photo books.

And after the baby is born, attempt to make your child something special and show him your love, such as offering him a present or taking him to a particular place.


Children between 2 and 3 years:

At this age, your child may be very attached to you and might not understand how he will share your love with someone else. He might also be sensitive towards the changes happening in his life, as well as he might feel threatened by the arrival of the new family member. To be able to make things easier on him, just follow these tips:

  • Wait some time before you tell your kid about the newborn, but make sure that no one other than you breaks him the news.
  • Be honest with your child. Tell him that the new baby will be very small and cute, but he will cry at lot and he will need a special attention and care. Assure him as well that you will always love him even after the new baby is born.
  • Try to involve your child in the preparations, such as shopping for baby clothing and equipments. And if you’re planning to use some of his old things, make sure you give him some time to play with them before you arrange them and get them ready for the newborn.
  • Try to finish your child’s potty training or get him used to sleep alone in his bed before the arrival of the new baby. If it’s not possible, make sure to put all these things aside until further notice.
  • Expect your child to face some difficulties and some regressions in the competences you taught him. So try to deal with him calmly, either by giving him the attention he needs during this critical stage or by praising his good behaviors.
  • After the baby is born, try to spend some special moments with your kid so he can he feel your love for him.
  • Ask your extended family members to take care of your firstborn child when they come to visit the new baby, so he won’t feel left out.

Those were our modest tips to deal with children and help them cope with the changes that accompany the arrival of a new baby, hope they will be of a great help to you and your family!

Read More: What To Do After A Positive Pregnancy Test?

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