Serious Symptoms In Babies Never To Ignore!

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Serious Symptoms In Babies Never To Ignore!

All About 0-6 Months Baby
Apr 1, 2021
2 mins

 To All Mothers: Beware Of These Dangerous Signs!

Being a first-time mother and taking full responsibility of a newborn baby is a very complicated and challenging task, especially when it comes to the safety and health of the little one, when he should be rushed to the hospital and when it’s enough to treat him at home.

How come you don’t panic for every cough or sneeze your child makes or every rash he develops and you don’t know anything about the health symptoms that may threaten his life and the ones that can wait till the doctor’s next visit? But, not anymore, as we will present you hereby the serious signs and symptoms that you can’t ignore whenever they hit your child, especially if he’s a newborn and less than 3 months old:  


Cyanosis (blue lips)

When your baby’s lips and mucous membrane turn into blue, it means that he’s not getting enough oxygen. This condition is known as Cyanosis. 


Breathing difficulty

If you noticed that your baby is breathing with difficulty and using the muscles of his chest more than necessary, he’s probably suffering from a respiratory condition and needs medical intervention right away.



If your baby’s temperature rises above 38 degrees Celsius, you will have to call his doctor right away, for fever in newborns can be a serious condition and more than just a flu.



If your baby is not wetting enough diapers (i.e. less than 6 diapers a day), he’s probably suffering from dehydration. In that case, you should call the doctor and seek his advice. Other symptoms associated with dehydration: dry mouth, dullness and grooved eyes.


Green vomit

If your baby vomits green fluid resembling coffee grounds, it means that his intestine is blocked and must be treated immediately.

In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, do not hesitate to consult your pediatrician or hurry to the hospital when your child falls or has an accident of any kind, especially if the incident is followed by a clear change in behavior, such as breast refusal.

Read More: Childhood Diseases And How To Prevent Them 

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