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6-12 months
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Berry Rice Pudding Recipe

10 mins

Combining berry puree, white rice, gelatine, breast milk and boiling water, you can easily make the Berry Rice Pudding. With this dish being consistent of healthy ingredients, you will be able to provide your baby with all the necessary nutrients.


¾ tsp gelatine

1 tbsp boiling water

½ cup (125mL) breast milk (the preferred option) or prepared infant formula

¼ cup (60mL) berry puree

½ cup cooked white rice

Step by step
  • 10 mins
  • 10 mins
    Time total
  • Place gelatine and water in a small cup; using a fork, whisk until dissolved.


  • Place breast milk or prepared infant formula, puree, rice and dissolved gelatine in a small bowl; mix well to combine. Divide between two, 3/4 cup (190mL) ramekins or cups. Chill until set.


    - Set pudding in smaller ramekins or cups if baby prefers smaller portions. 

    - To puree berries, place fresh or defrosted frozen berries in a food processor or blender; blend until smooth. Pour puree into a sieve and push through to remove seeds.

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