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Baby Food Omelet With Spinach Recipe

17 mins

An omelette is every child’s and adult’s go to breakfast meal; you can never go wrong with a delicious omelette. The recipe is easy to follow and consists of nutrient-rich ingredients.


•  25 g Cerelac Rice (6months+)
•  1 egg
•  1 tbsp. grated mozzarella cheese
•  2 cubes frozen spinach or 2 handfuls of fresh spinach, chopped
•  ½ small tomato, peeled and cubed
•  Small bunch basil leaves, chopped
•  Small bunch parsley leaves, chopped
•  Pinch of salt and pepper
•  A touch of oil for frying

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breast-feeding for the first 6 months. Consult your doctor for advice on when to introduce complementary foods to your baby. Breastfeeding should continue for as long as possible after introduction of complementary foods.

Step by step
  • 5 mins
  • 12 mins
  • 17 mins
    Time total
  • سيريلاك اومليت بالسبانخ

    Grate the cheese, peel and chop the tomato, chop the spinach, parsley, and basil and set aside.

  • سيريلاك اومليت بالسبانخ

    In a bowl, whisk the Cerelac, egg, cheese, vegetables, herbs, and salt and pepper together.

  • سيريلاك اومليت بالسبانخ

    Cook the omelettes in a nonstick pan with a touch of oil and if desired, cut with a cookie cutter to make fun shapes

    N.B: Make sure to supervise your little foodie during feeding time and you can cut or shape the dish conveniently to his/her needs.

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Steps of Cerelac Spinach Omelet

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