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Poached Chicken with Carrots and Beans

10 mins

Sweet, delicious, and nutritious. Carrot is a great veggie to add to your kid's meal, it contributes to better eye health due to its Vitamin A content, they are also high in fiber, potassium, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin K1.


100g finely chopped or minced chicken breast fillet

1 small (70g) carrot, chopped

50g green beans, trimmed and chopped

Step by step
  • 10 mins
  • 10 mins
    Time total
  • Place chicken, carrots and beans in a small saucepan; cover with water; bring to the boil and simmer until chicken is cooked through and vegetables are tender.

  • Drain, reserving ½ cup (125mL) cooking liquid. Place chicken and vegetables in a food processor or blender; process until smooth or according to baby’s age.


    - Double the quantity and store extra in the freezer for later use.

    - Use boneless fish fillets instead of chicken, if desired.

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